
Zoom movie training montage
Zoom movie training montage

Even if you only see several short clips from a character's experience, you will be able to understand the entire thing as a whole based on the tone each one of them carries. Kind of vague, I know, but think of films that boil an entire relationship down to small snapshots from their time together, like in Annie Hall, or a road trip in which you only see the highlights. This is a theory that essentially says that if given small bits and pieces, we will form them into a complete whole. By editing them together you're able to not only introduce your audience to the worlds they live in, but you're able to compare the two, setting up a possible conflict that you can get into later on in the story. Imagine the morning routine of a wealthy heiress and her maid - extremely different. This kind of montage switches between images in an attempt to compare and contrast them.

zoom movie training montage

This can make each more dynamic too, so if you need to ramp up the energy, this is a good way to do it. So, instead of giving each storyline its own independent sequence which could be minutes long, you can cut them together to create a sequence that only lasts seconds. Montages help to cut time down, and one way to do that is to combine storylines in your film.

Zoom movie training montage